

Kamintsky, L, Beyea S, Fisk, J, Hashmi, J.A, Omisade A, Bardouille T, Bowen C, Quraan, M, Mitnitski, A. (Accepted, August 2020). Blood-Brain Barrier Leakage in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus is associated with Gray Matter Loss and Cognitive Impairment. Annals of the Rheumatic Disease.

Saghayi, M., Varno F., Matwin S, Greenberg, J, Bracken B, Hashmi, A, Lazar, S., Hashmi, J.A. (2020). Resting brain connectivity states predict participant adherence to mental training programs. Network Neuroscience. 1-28.

Lim, M., O’Grady, C., Cane., D, Goyal, A, Lynch, M., Beyea, S., Hashmi, J.A. (Accepted 12, 2019). Schemas induce enduring perceptual bias in pain perception. Journal of Neuroscience.  lim_hashhmi_jneuroscience_2020_proof

Gurpreet, M, Hashmi J.A. Spontaneous back-pain alters randomness in functional connections in large scale brain networks: A random matrix perspective. Physica A, October, 2019, preprint_gsm_jah_2019 .

Sevinc, G., Holzel, B.K., Greenberg, J., Gard, T., Brunsch, V., Hashmi, J.A., Vangel, M., Orr, S.P., Milad, M.R., Lazar, S.W. Learning not to fear: Strengthened Hippocampal Circuits Underlie Enhanced Retrieval of Extinguished Fear Memories Following Mindfulness Training. Biological Psychiatry. 2019

Sevinc, G., Holzel, B.K., Hashmi, J.A., Greenberg, J., Schneider, M.L., McCallister, A., Treadway, M., Dusek, J.A., Carmody, J., Lazar, S.W. (2018). Common and dissociable neural activity after mindfulness-based stress reduction and relaxation response programs. Psychosomatic Medicine, 80 (5), 439-451.

Hashmi. J.A. Placebo response: theory, mechanisms and teleological roots. ELSEVIER- Serial International Review of Neurobiology, volume 138 Neurobiology of the Placebo Effect. Editor Luana Colloca. preprint.

Khan S*, Hashmi, J.A*. Gollub, R.L, Kong, J, Hamalainen, M.S, Stufflebeam S, Kenet T *equal contribution. (2018). Spectral signatures of network development in resting state MEG. NeuroimageDownload

Hashmi, J.A, Loggia, M, Khan, S,  Gao,L.,Kim J, Napadow, V, Brown E.N, Akeju OJ, Dexmedetomidine Disrupts the Local and Global Efficiencies of Large-scale Brain Networks. Online First, January 2017, Anesthesiology. Download

Mamashli, F., Khan, S., Bharadwaj, H., Michmizos, K., Ganesan, S., Garel, K.L.A., Hashmi, J.A, Herbert, M.R., Hamalainen, M., Kenet, T. (2016). Auditory processing in noise is associated with complex patterns of disrupted functional connectivity in autism spectrum disorder. Autism Research, 4, 631-647.

Khan, S, Hashmi, J.A, Mamashli, F, Hamalainen, M.S, Kenet T. Altered Onset Response Dynamics in Somatosensory Processing in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Accepted, May 2016, Frontiers in Neuroscience.

Hashmi, J.A, Khan, S, Gollub R.L, Kong J. Intrinsic functional connectivity predicts task evoked responses and pain modulation in an experimental model of pain modulation. In review. Presented at annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, 2015, Chicago. link

Hashmi, J.A, Kong J, Spaeth R, Khan S, Kaptchuk T, Gollub R.L. Functional network architecture predicts psychologically mediated analgesia related to treatment in chronic knee pain patients. Journal of Neuroscience, 2014; 34;3924–3936. Download

Hashmi J.A, Baliki M.N, Huang L, Torbey S, Herman K, Schnitzer T.J, Apkarian A.V. Shape shifting pain: Chronification of back pain shifts brain representation from nociceptive to emotional circuits. Brain. 2013;136:2751–2768. Download

Vachon-Presseau, E, Te´ treault, P, Petre, B, Huang, L, Berger, S, Torbey, S, Baria, A.T, Mansour,A.R, Hashmi, J.A, Griffith, J.W, Comasco, E, Schnitzer, T, Baliki, M.N, and Apkarian A.V. Corticolimbic anatomical characteristics predetermine risk for chronic pain. Brain. Accepted March, 2016

Hashmi J.A, Davis K.D. Deconstructing sex differences in pain sensitivity. Topical Review. Pain. 2014;155:10–13.

Spaeth R, Camhi S, Hashmi J.A, Vangel M, Wasan A.D, Edwards R.E, Gollub R.L, Kong, J. A longitudinal study of the reliability of acupuncture deqi sensations in knee osteoarthritis. Evidence based complementary and alternative medicine. 2013.

Chen X, Spaeth RB, Freeman SG, Scarborough DM, Hashmi J.A, Wey H–Y, Egorova N, Vangel M, Mao J, Wasan AD. The modulation effect of longitudinal acupuncture on resting state functional connectivity in knee osteoarthritis patients. Molecular Pain. 11:67. 2015

Cecchi, G.A., Huang, Hashmi J.A, Centeno M, Rish, I Apkarian, A.V. Quantitative dynamics of pain perception. PLoS Computational Biology. 2012:10.1371

Hashmi J.A, Baria A, Baliki M.N, Huang L, Schnitzer TJ, Apkarian A.V. Brain networks predicting placebo analgesia in a clinical trial for chronic back pain. Pain. 2012;153:2393–2402.

Hashmi J.A, Baliki M.N, Huang L, Parks E.L, Chanda M.L, Schnitzer T.J, Apkarian A.V. Lidocaine patch (5%) is no more potent than placebo in treating chronic back pain when tested in a randomized double blind placebo controlled brain imaging study. Molecular Pain. 2012:24;8:29.

Apkarian A.V, Hashmi J.A, Baliki M.N. Pain and the brain: Specificity and plasticity of the brain in clinical chronic pain. Review. Pain. 2011;152:S49–54

Hashmi J.A, Davis K.D. Effects of temperature on heat pain adaptation and habituation in men and women. Pain. 2010;151:737:43.

Hashmi J.A, Davis K.D. Noxious heat evokes stronger sharp and annoying sensations in women than men in hairy skin but not in glabrous skin. Pain. 2010; 151:323–9.

Hashmi J.A, Yashpal K, Holdsworth D.W, Henry J.L. Sensory and vascular changes in a rat monoarthritis model: prophylactic and therapeutic effects of meloxicam. Inflammation Research. 2010; 9:667–78.


Brain Networks & Neurophysiology Lab
Dalhousie Universitydal_logo
Faculty of Medicine
Department of Anesthesia,
Pain Management & Perioperative Medicine
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 4R2